Nutrigenomics is the science of how nutrition interacts with our genes. While our genetic code is fixed, gene expression - whether genes are turned ‘on’ or ‘off’ - can be influenced by diet and lifestyle choices to support and safeguard our health.
A simple, accurate, one-off home saliva test gives you a detailed report you can refer to time and again. Knowledge of your own genetic variants empowers you to focus on the food and lifestyle that works best for you. This is a dive into PERSONALISED NUTRITION, a chance to work with your body for optimal health now and in the future.
I help to interpret your report and support you in implementing the information in a practical way to benefit your long-term health.
Absolutely! Whether you are simply curious for a better understanding of how your genes and diet work together for a preventative, proactive approach to health, or if you want to throw light on unexplained symptoms, a nutrigenomic report can access otherwise unknown information. Either way, you will find it interesting and informative.
Lifecode is a company dedicated to researching the interplay between our genetic variations and our environment, to produce actionable, clinically relevant information you can use to benefit your health. Targeted dietary and lifestyle recommendations are supported by the latest referenced science. Lifecode participates with scientific research projects and academic institutions, and no data is shared. Head to https://www.lifecodegx.com/products, to find out more, or get in touch with me to discuss in more detail.
“I would absolutely recommend Caroline to family and friends”
Mrs M.H. Oxon